Evaluate how migration-center fits your individual migration challenge
Content migrations between ECM systems, file shares, databases, and other legacy applications usually take on very complex dimensions in a business context. If you are to select the right service provider and product to support your enterprise content migration, our PoC Package could be an easy and risk-free pre-testing opportunity for you.
Find out how our vendor-certified migration software migration-center and our Migration Services offering can help you tackle your migration challenges efficiently and cost-consciously.
“This migration was highly complex due to the variety of legacy systems in scope. We weren’t just migrating one system, but six systems in parallel. These legacy systems were of different technologies with dissimilar metadata structures. migration-center helped us to successfully migrate an extremely large volume of content from the legacy systems in a very tight timeline whilst allowing us to standardise the metadata.” Petri Coetzee – EDRMS Manager @ Auckland Council
After consultation tailored to your individual requirements, our migration specialists will perform a complimentary Proof of Concept.
Our assessment contains a documentation of the PoC including timeline, budgeting data and risk assessment, a four weeks valid Free Evaluation Copy of migration-center as well as product and project support for the test period.
Just fill out and submit the form below and we promise to process your request as soon as possible.
Since migration-center and our Migration Services are for commercial use only, a corporate email address is imperative.