Reduced duration
Reduced project duration from 12 to 6 months
Migrating business-critical information to a cloud enterprise archiving platform
Reduced project duration from 12 to 6 months
Increased customer satisfaction
Substantially lowered project costs
It was clear that there was to take the next step into digital transformation for one of Tieto’s key strategic forest industry customers by providing a single, unified, enterprise-wide archive where all information would be easily accessible for all employees. The preconditions were clearly communicated: an active archiving solution containing eight terabytes worth of documents – 70 million to be exact – was to be transferred and migrated. These documents were attached to day-to-day business processes like invoice approval workflows, meaning there were no excuses for downtime, or else business would halt. All of this had to be carried out in a very strict timeframe.
Selecting a cutting-edge target platform technology is simple – the challenge lies in determining how to conduct the migration process in order to achieve maximum efficiency with the least downtime. To determine the most efficient way of migration, the first challenge proved to be the source systems themself: their built-in export functionality was limited at best.
migration-center was chosen solely to standardize the whole migration process, from beginning to the end. The beauty of migrationcenter was not only that the migration process works pretty much entirely with migration-center, but also in its ability to read source systems. For example, SAP migrations did not need any separate module or framework, eliminating downtime due to lack of extra processes running on SAP side even when migrations were on.
In addition, Tieto built a plugin for migration-center that helps in scanning source systems for content to be migrated and can be easily applied to any source system with little customization. The framework offered by fme made configuring the plugin a breeze.
Another strength of migration-center lies in its ability to work in conjunction with Archiving as a Service technology due to readymade importer plugins: when archival packages – SIPs (Submission Information Packages) – are created for ingestion, they can be easily validated and enriched with migration-center, from simple metadata changes of strings and dates to more complex enrichments.